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密苏里理工大学Yahong Rosa Zheng教授做客bat365在线官网登录


(通讯员:邵祺) 12月20日下午,密苏里理工大学教授、IEEE Fellow、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology现任副主编Yahong Rosa Zheng做客bat365在线官网登录,为学院师生带来“Ocean Big Data, Underwater IoT, and Underwater Wireless Communications”的主题报告,并与bat365在线官网登录教师进行水下通信科学研讨。深圳威富集团董事长张少林、bat365在线官网登录院长翟京生、副书记凌国维、海洋技术系主任张安民及部分青年教师参加研讨会,会议由bat365在线官网登录付晓梅老师主持。



Yahong Rosa Zheng教授简介:Yahong Rosa Zhenghas been a faculty member with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, where she is now the Wilken’s Missouri Telecommunications Chair Professor. Her research interests include array signal processing, wireless communications, and wireless sensor networks. She has published more than 60 journal papers and more than 100 conference papers in these areas. She serves as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Previously, she was an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications during 2006-2008. She is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award in 2009. She has been an IEEE fellow and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society since 2015.
